
[2023-03-14] 华尔街日报 - 独家:中国计划下周访俄后与泽伦斯基举行自乌克兰战争爆发以来的首次会谈

榴榴杂谈 2023-04-05 21:57 出处:网络 作者:无能小学生编辑:@榴榴

[2023-03-14] 华尔街日报 - 独家:中国计划下周访俄后与泽伦斯基举行自乌克兰战争爆发以来的首次会谈 

SINGAPORE—Chinese leader Xi Jinping plans to speak with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for the first time since the start of the Ukraine war, likely after he visits Moscow next week to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to people familiar with the matter.

The meetings with Messrs. Putin and Zelensky, the latter of which is expected to take place virtually, reflect Beijing’s effort to play a more active role in mediating an end to the war in Ukraine, some of the people said.

Mr. Xi is considering visiting other European countries as part of his trip to Russia, though his full itinerary has yet to be confirmed, according to the people.

A direct conversation with Mr. Zelensky, if it happens, would mark a significant step in Beijing’s efforts to play peacemaker in Ukraine, which have so far been met with skepticism in Europe. It would also bolster Beijing’s credentials as a global power broker after it facilitated a surprise diplomatic breakthrough between Saudi Arabia and Iran last week.
如果能与泽伦斯基直接对话,将标志着北京在乌克兰扮演和平使者的努力迈出重要一步,迄今为止,欧洲对此表示怀疑。 在上周促成沙特阿拉伯和伊朗之间取得意外的外交突破后,这也将增强北京作为全球权力掮客的信誉。

The new surge of diplomacy reflects a conviction on the part of Mr. Xi and the Communist Party that China can offer an alternative to the U.S.-led model of international relations by relying on commercial ties rather than military might to sway the decisions of other countries.
新的外交热潮反映出习近平和共产党坚信,中国可以提供一种替代美国主导的国际关系模式的方法,即依靠商业关系而非军事力量来影响其他国家的决定 .

An expansion of Beijing’s diplomatic clout also offers potential leverage against what Mr. Xi criticized last week as a Cold War-style, U.S.-led campaign of “all-round containment, encirclement and suppression” against China.

Reuters earlier reported that Mr. Xi’s Moscow visit could happen as early as next week. The Wall Street Journal reported in February that Mr. Xi was preparing to visit Moscow in the coming months.
路透社早些时候报道说,习近平最早可能在下周访问莫斯科。 《华尔街日报》2 月份报道说,习近平正准备在未来几个月访问莫斯科。

The overseas trip would mark Mr. Xi’s first after he secured an unprecedented third term as China’s head of state. It comes as the 69-year-old leader seeks to burnish his status as a global statesman and navigate escalating competition with the U.S. and its allies.
此次出访将是习近平获得史无前例的第三个中国国家元首任期后的首次出访。 这位 69 岁的领导人正寻求提升自己作为全球政治家的地位,并应对与美国及其盟友不断升级的竞争。

China’s Foreign Ministry didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. A Ukrainian presidential administration official said the call hadn’t yet been confirmed, and its timing was still unclear.
中国外交部没有立即回应置评请求。 一名乌克兰总统政府官员表示,此次通话尚未得到证实,其时间仍不明朗。

Mr. Xi’s travel schedule is intended in part to capitalize on momentum from the Saudi-Iran deal, signed in Beijing, which marked the end of seven years of estrangement, according to some of the people. That agreement heralded a notable rise in China’s influence in the Middle East, which had been previously dominated by the U.S. as the primary power broker.
一些知情人士说,习近平的旅行计划部分是为了利用在北京签署的沙特与伊朗协议的势头,该协议标志着七年疏远的结束。 该协议预示着中国在中东的影响力显着上升,而此前中东地区一直由美国主导,是主要的权力掮客。

The bridge-building effort marked the first time that Beijing has intervened so directly in the Mideast’s political rivalries, and was its first time successfully brokering such a deal.

China’s last ambitious effort to play the role of global peacemaker came in the early 2000s, when it launched six-party talks aimed at curtailing North Korea’s nuclear weapons program in exchange for aid. The talks, which included the U.S., failed in 2008 when North Korea withdrew despite relying heavily on economic support from Beijing.
中国上一次扮演全球和平缔造者角色的雄心勃勃的努力是在 2000 年代初期,当时它发起了旨在削减朝鲜核武器计划以换取援助的六方会谈。 包括美国在内的会谈在 2008 年以失败告终,当时朝鲜尽管严重依赖北京的经济支持,但还是退出了谈判。

Achieving a breakthrough in Ukraine would be a taller task than the Saudi-Iran deal, especially as both sides in the war believe too much remains to be played out on the battlefield. Neither has shown an inclination to stop fighting.
在乌克兰取得突破将是一项比沙特与伊朗协议更艰巨的任务,尤其是在战争双方都认为战场上还有太多事情要做的情况下。 双方都没有表现出停止战斗的意愿。

Beijing nevertheless has an active interest in bringing an end to the conflict. The war has put Beijing in a precarious situation, forcing Mr. Xi to balance China’s “no limits” partnership with Russia and his own close relationship with Mr. Putin against increasing distrust and tension with the U.S. and its allies.
尽管如此,北京对结束这场冲突有着积极的兴趣。 这场战争让北京处于不稳定的境地,迫使习近平在中国与俄罗斯“无限制”的伙伴关系以及他自己与普京的密切关系与与美国及其盟友日益增长的不信任和紧张关系之间取得平衡。

Last month, China cast itself as a neutral mediator in calling for a cease-fire and peace talks to end the war in Ukraine. In a 12-point document, China’s Foreign Ministry called for the pursuit of a political solution to the conflict and an end to unilateral sanctions. It also appeared to warn Moscow against escalating the conflict with nuclear weapons.
上个月,中国将自己定位为中立调解人,呼吁停火与和平谈判以结束乌克兰战争。 在一份 12 点文件中,中国外交部呼吁寻求政治解决冲突并结束单边制裁。 它还似乎警告莫斯科不要用核武器升级冲突。

Russia’s government said it shared Beijing’s views of the conflict and welcomed China’s peace proposal.

The first item in China’s peace plan, which calls for “respecting the sovereignty of all countries,” is a bedrock of Beijing’s foreign policy. It is also one that has been tested over the past year by Russia’s invasion.
中国和平计划的第一项要求“尊重所有国家的主权”是北京外交政策的基石。 它也是在过去一年中受到俄罗斯入侵的考验。

China officially regards Ukraine as a sovereign nation, and Messrs. Xi and Zelensky had a phone call to mark 30 years of relations between the two nations weeks before Russian troops attacked. Yet Beijing has refrained from condemning Russian military action in Ukraine, which it has resisted defining as an invasion.
中国正式将乌克兰视为一个主权国家,习近平和泽连斯基在俄罗斯军队发动袭击前几周通了电话,纪念两国建交 30 周年。 然而北京没有谴责俄罗斯在乌克兰的军事行动,它拒绝将其定义为入侵。

The Ukrainian administration official said Kyiv was cautiously receptive to China’s possible involvement and to certain parts of Beijing’s 12-point document, including clauses on territorial integrity of countries and nuclear safety guarantees, but noted the plan doesn’t have a clause on the withdrawal of Russian troops from all territory occupied by Russia—a key Ukrainian criterion for any peace deal.
乌克兰政府官员表示,基辅谨慎接受中国可能参与和北京 12 点文件的某些部分,包括国家领土完整和核安全保障的条款,但指出该计划没有关于撤回的条款 来自俄罗斯占领的所有领土的俄罗斯军队——这是乌克兰任何和平协议的关键标准。

“It’s a plan that opens space for discussion, but in terms of any peace plan we’d insist on President Zelensky’s Peace Formula proposal,” the official said. He added that Kyiv had asked on multiple occasions for a call between Mr. Zelensky and Mr. Xi, but so far its requests had been left without response.
“这是一个开放讨论空间的计划,但就任何和平计划而言,我们都会坚持泽伦斯基总统的和平方案提案,”这位官员说。 他补充说,基辅曾多次要求泽连斯基与习近平通话,但迄今为止其请求未获回应。

Though Mr. Xi hasn’t spoken with Mr. Zelensky since the hostilities broke out, the Chinese leader has engaged with Mr. Putin several times through video calls and face-to-face meetings since the war unfolded. That included a meeting in Uzbekistan in September in Mr. Xi’s first international trip since the pandemic.
尽管自敌对行动爆发以来,习近平没有与泽伦斯基先生通话,但自战争爆发以来,这位中国领导人通过视频通话和面对面会谈与普京先生进行了数次接触。 其中包括 9 月在乌兹别克斯坦举行的一次会议,这是习近平自大流行以来的首次国际访问。

China was Ukraine’s largest trading partner before the war, importing almost 30% of its corn from the Eastern European country. China has also invested in infrastructure projects in Ukraine, though at least one of them—a rail line connecting Kyiv’s main airport to the city center—was scrapped following corruption allegations.
战前,中国是乌克兰最大的贸易伙伴,从这个东欧国家进口近 30% 的玉米。 中国还投资了乌克兰的基础设施项目,但至少其中一个项目——连接基辅主要机场和市中心的铁路线——因腐败指控而被废弃。

Trade between China and Ukraine fell 60% in 2022 from a year earlier to $7.6 billion. Meanwhile, trade between Moscow and Beijing rose by roughly 29% from a year earlier to $190 billion, according to official Chinese data. As Russia’s sales of oil and gas to Europe have declined, China has emerged as a significant buyer. Russia has also begun to increase its use of China’s currency, the yuan.
2022 年,中国和乌克兰之间的贸易额同比下降 60%,至 76 亿美元。 与此同时,根据中国官方数据,莫斯科和北京之间的贸易额同比增长约 29%,达到 1900 亿美元。 随着俄罗斯对欧洲的石油和天然气销量下降,中国已成为一个重要的买家。 俄罗斯也开始增加对中国货币人民币的使用。



